# by account uids:

	data: {
		withAddress:	<true-or-false>,
		withDetails: <true-or-false>,
		accounts: {
			"<uid-or-username>" : {},
			"<uid-or-username>" : {},
			"<uid-or-username>" : {}

# or by 1 or more teams:

	data: {
		withAddress:	<true-or-false>,
		teams: [1, 2, ... , 6]


   "accounts": [
         "uid": "cubt5w",			// Worker UID
         "ts": 1396985826428,		// Timestamp in millis
         "dir": 10,					// Direction heading
         "lng": -122.43143,			// Longitude
         "usr": "",
         "spd": 0,					// Speed
         "elv": 20,					// Elevetion
         "lat": 37.801205,			// Latitude
         "acc": 4,					// Accuracy in meter
         "name": "John"				// Worker's full name
         "email": "",	// Worker's email address
         "phone": "+1 415 1234567",	// Worker's phone number
         "bat": 78					// battery level in percent
         "teams":[{"name":"Zone G","number":4}],
         // if withAddress:true
         "address": "Chestnut Street, San Francisco",
         // if withDetails:true
         "connection_type":1,		// device's internet connection type
         "loc_gps_on":true,			// Android setting if locating over GPS is activated (should be true)
         "loc_net_on":true,			// Android setting if locating over cell and wifi is activated (should be true)
         "tracking_status":true,	// if Hellotracks tracking switch is set to on or off
         "signal_ts": 1454894511000,// the timestamp in millis for the last signal (ping received)
   "status": 0

Note: If you add “signal”:“ping” as a parameter Hellotracks will send a signal to all devices. Devices that are logged in and do have internet connection will respond with updated data. signal_ts represents the last received ping signal from the device.

Note: Timestamps are milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC (Java timestamps)